
The 2016 election and its aftermath have been the backdrop of my experience as a teacher of American politics, shaping what I view as my duty as a political scientist to my students. My goal is to empower my students with an informed political consciousness and the skills to analyze politics as observers and scholars. In teaching and advising, I have helped my students grasp the historical roots of our country’s contemporary political challenges, apply political science concepts in order to better understand both American political history and current events, critically evaluate political science research, and bolster their own voice in their writing. In 2024, I received the Robert H. Birkby Award for teaching excellence in political science at Vanderbilt.

My teaching interests broadly include American politics and political institutions, American Political Development, American Political Thought, and Archival Methods. Below, I provide my teaching experience and example syllabi from courses I have taught as instructor of record.

Instructor of Record

Vanderbilt University

American Political Development (Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021), Syllabus.

American Political Institutions (graduate) (Spring 2024, Spring 2022), Syllabus.

American Political Thought (Spring 2024, Spring 2022), Syllabus.

Yale University

Congress: How Legislating Works (Spring 2021, Spring 2020), Syllabus.

Ideas and Presidential Power: From the Founding to Trump (Fall 2020), Syllabus.

Ideas of Representation in American Political Development (Fall 2019), Syllabus.

Professionalization and Skills Training

"How to Research Legislative History," Policy Skills Training Series, Institution for Social and Policy Studies, Yale University. Slides.

Teaching Fellow

Yale University

Politics of U.S. Public Policy (Spring 2019). Instructor: Jacob Hacker.

Lincoln's Statecraft and Rhetoric (Fall 2018, Spring 2016). Instructor: Steven B. Smith.

Intro to American Politics (Spring 2017, Fall 2015). Instructors: Katherine McCabe (2017), Rachel Silbermann (2015).

Law, Leadership, and the Political Development of the American Presidency (Fall 2016). Instructor: Stephen Skowronek.